Wanton Sausage Balls

Thanks to my sweet friend Cindy for giving me this great idea. Made a dozen of these for breakfast and the hubby thought they were amazing. Super easy to make. 

12 wanton wrappers
6 Jimmy Dean cooked turkey sausage links (cut in half to make 12 pieces)
3 slices reduced fat cheddar cheese (cut each slice into 4 pieces so you have 12 pieces)

Preheat oven to 375°
Spray muffin tin with Pam 
Place 1 wanton in each muffin tin
Place the half piece of sausage link topped by the quarter piece of cheese inside wanton
Spray the wantons with Pam again to moisten them and then fold edged together to make a envelope ball

Bake 10-12 minutes. So. Dang. Good. 

Macros per ball: 48 calories, 2g fat, 3.8g carbs and 4g protein. 


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