Protein crepes

This morning I tried a new recipe to make crepes (which is basically a thin pancake). And I was so pleased with it. And it's super simple. You can skip the banana slices inside if you would like to keep carb counts down. I add them on my workout days. 

2/3 cup egg whites 
4 medium strawberries 
1/2 medium banana 
1 tsp baking powder 
1 tsp almond extract 
1 tbsp stevia or Splenda 

Nutritional info for 2 crepes with banana rolled inside
65 calories, 5g carbs, 0g fat, 11g protein

Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth. 

Bring large skillet sprayed with nonstick spray to medium-low heat. Add batter to skillet and roll the batter around to spread it out to a thinner pancake. Size is approx. 6-7" around. Cook until crepe begins to bubble and solid enough to flip, 1-2 minutes. 


Gently flip, and cook until both sides are lightly browned and the inside is cooked through, about 1 minute.

Remove skillet from heat, re-spray and repeat with remaining batter to make six more pancakes. (Keep an eye on 'em... They'll likely cook faster than the first two.) 

(*You can skip this step if you want to keep your carb count lower) Slice half a banana and place 4 slices inside each crepe then roll it up. 


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