Decaf Skinny Frapp

We all love the Startbucks Frappuccinos but they don't really fit in with the WLS Bariatric plan with the sugar and carbs. So I've found a very tasty alternative that I really enjoy. Super simple to make.

1 cup Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla almond coconut milk
1 tbsp Folgers decaf instant coffee crystals
2 tbsp Torani Sugar Free S'mores syrup 
5-8 ice cubes depending on how thick you like it 

Mix all in the blender until smooth. Mmmmm tasty! My waist line and pocket book will thank me. 


  1. Where do u find the Torani Syrup!

  2. Most grocery stores seem to have it. I usually get mine at Walmart and HEB on the coffee isle.


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