WLS update

All my posts are about WLS friendly recipes but I wanted to give an update on my weightloss journey since I am now 15 months post op. 

My heaviest weight was 295lbs in the summer of 2014, when I met with my Bariatric surgeon. I had surgery in October 2014. This before pic was one month post op and I was down to 258lb. Today I'm 159. My original goal was 170lbs and I hit that goal in August 2015. At that point I decided to let my body do its thing and decide where it wanted to land. When I hit 160, I knew I didn't want to lose anymore and had to make the transition of finding the right balance of food intake and exercise to stop the weightloss while not gaining any back. 

I'm happy I've been able to maintain this weight since the beginning of this year. I'm not perfect and learn something everyday that helps or hurts my journey. But each step is needed and I don't regret any of them. I've learn that the operation on my stomach did not eliminate my head hunger and emotional eating. Those demons are still  there and I'm learning how to deal with them. I do find it's easier to ward off those cravings when I stay hydrated. Often hunger is confused with thirst. 

I've also learned there is no goal I can not conquer if I set my mind to it. One exercise goal I had was to do a half marathon. I'm happy I was able accomplish this milestone a few weeks ago in the Dallas Rock n Roll half. Crossing that finish line was a burst of emotions because the 295lb fat girl who only wanted to sit on the couch and watch TV had succeeded. I realized I am no longer that girl. 

I am amazed every day this banana belly has helped me get healthy and I vow to never become sedentary again. It makes me cry that I wasted so much of my life that way. So thankful for my second chance at living life - I'm not wasting it. Never give up. I CAN. I WILL. 


  1. You've done beautifully girl! I'm so happy and proud to be your sleeve sister ;)


  2. Thank you Missy. As we all know, it's an everyday challenge to stay on track. So easy to go back to bad habits.


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